When you think of fighting inside of an opponents reach, you automatically think of a low kick or punching technique. Stepping
or bouncing off your opponents body is the last movement that comes to mind.
Jump kicks that have two techniques while you are airborne are very hard to master, but in time it is obtainable. Jump
kicking takes a lot of explosiveness and endurance, so use them sparingly. The general rule in jump kicks is try to catch
your opponent when he is surprised or tired. Attack him when you are close or at the limit of your opponents punching or kicking
When you step or bounce off of your opponent, it helps stabilize your technique, keeping you airborne for one half to one
second longer. While airborne use the other leg to strike.
When stepping or bouncing on your opponent you may knock him down, if he has a weak stance. If he has a strong stance you
can throw the second technique, a roundhouse, front kick, crescent kick, spinning back kick, etc.
The best areas to target are the head, solar plexus, groin and knees. Aim for the soft or fragile parts of the body when
striking. Always try to land on both feet so not to cause you ankle to sprain.
Exercises that will help you develop your Step Jump Kicks are:
Runners stretch
Touch toes (Touch & hold version)
Split leg stretches
Squats (With or without weights)
Toe raises (With or without weights)
Back extensions
Step ups
Frog jumps
Duck walks
Mountain climbers
Power jump (Straight & bent knee)
Single & double leg split kicks
Jump knee to chest touches
Practice your techniques on hanging or standing heavy bags.