An after school program can be a very rewarding and profitable program for your school or club. There are various types
of after school programs in our profession, but the most popular ones are:
After School Karate
After School Martial Arts (Other types of martial arts such as Kung Fu or Thai Boxing.)
After School Jiu Jitsu
After School Boxing
These programs not only teach fighting skills but also try to teach youngster’s skills for life. After school programs
are operated between the months of August or September to May or June. The programs accept children from 5 to 17 years old.
After school operators charge the same rates as day care providers. The rates are weekly and start around $50.00 per week.
An after school operator charging this rate can earn $200.00 monthly from one child. Usually the school or club operators
set weekly rates according to the economic status of the community in which they operate. Children in rural and suburban areas
are picked up from their schools by after school operators. Children in urban areas walk to their after school program depending
on the distance of the school. Some operators in urban districts provide transportation also.
If the after school program is near the designated public school bus route, the parent can arrange for the children to
be dropped off by the public school bus.
In an after school program, children learn martial arts or boxing skills but they also play games, watch TV, movies, arts
and craft and receive assistance in completing their homework.
After school programs are often extended during the summer as day camps in which the children participate in practicing
their discipline, have trips, picnics, and early morning arrival is added also. During the school year an after school program
is operated from the time that children leave school to around 6:00pm. During summer vacation, camps start receiving kids
as early as 6:00am and the parents return to take them home as late as 6:00pm.
Some after school programs operate during the holidays, school holidays and teacher conference days as full day programs,
while the parents are working. Some operate during spring break as camps.
Operators of after school programs often make 6 or 7 figure income in the summer months depending on how big the program,
the wealth of the community and the rate charged. School or club operator in poorer neighborhoods can have success with an
after school program by turning their school or club into a non-profit, in which they can receive donations and sponsorship
along with the fees they receive from parents.
Most after school programs are often created and promoted by martial arts billing companies who give the schools support
for a fee. There are several websites on the web that can help you run your own after school program and summer camps with
little or no cost.
As you see, after school programs are very profitable and rewarding. They can be valuable to the community as well as your
club or school.