In March and April, the school systems in the United States will be having their Spring Breaks. This is a chance for your
school or club to earn extra money. .
Spring Break Camps are held for a week and operated from 6:30 am or 7:30 am to 5:30 pm or 6:30 pm. The camps are held for
children 4-13 years old. The camp provides a constructive activity for children while their parents are working. The club
owner provides activities for the participants such as games, trips, exercises and the discipline that you teach, boxing or
wrestling. In recent years, there are more organizations cashing in on the money a Spring Break Camp can provide for children.
Other organizations that provide spring break camps for children are art schools, computer schools, private and federal museums,
theater schools, dance schools and the list goes on.
The camp tuition fees usually start at $120.00 per child and up, depending on the activities that you have. It is best
that the children bring their own breakfast and lunch. You will have to have a refrigerator and a microwave oven to help you
with storing their meals, so it will not spoil. If you do not have a refrigerator or a microwave oven, you can rent them.
Trips are important to the Spring Camp and it does not have to be expensive. Roller skating, ice skating, museums, amusement
parks, movies are some ideas for trips. You can have the parents pay for the trips on trip day or you can include the cost
of the trips in the tuition. You should have trips at least twice during this period. Some organizations have trips daily
for their children.
A typical Spring Break Camp schedule looks like this:
6:30 am to 9:00am-Children dropped off, television cartoons, card games, sleeping, socializing.
9:00-9:30 am-Breakfast
9:30-10:00 am-Clean up, bathroom
10:00-1100 am-Group Games
11:00 am-12:30 pm-Boxing or Wrestling Practice
12:30pm-1:30pm-Lunch, Quiet time.
1:30pm-2:00 pm-Clean up, bathroom
2:00 pm-5:00pm-Trip
5:00 pm-5:30 pm-Clean up, tell children to locate and gather their belongings.
5:30 pm-6:30 pm-Group games, TV, parents pick up.
On the days where there is no trip, substitute it with a movie (video or CD), group discussion, fun competitions, and arts
and crafts.
You will find running a Spring break Camp is a very rewarding experience. Some children may like it so much they will join
your school. So have a special offer for new children in your camp and their friends. Give them an invitation with a discount
If you have never ran camps for kids and have questions, feel free to email me with your questions.
Mike Ballard, The Business of Boxing