Colleges have wide variety of physical fitness activities. Boxing is having resurgence on the college campus.
Tae Kwon Do, wrestling, and Ju Jitsu has always had at least a 1.0 credit on college campuses since the 1960s. Even longer
for wrestling, which is also a collegiate varsity sport. Now boxing and kickboxing are finding its place on the collegian
physical education curriculum.
Boxing and kickboxing because of it directness and simplicity has particularly grown in the collegian fitness programs
in recent years. The appeal of boxing is the aerobic exercises burn calories. Boxing and kickboxing fitness programs on the
college campus are mostly non-contact and usually accompanied by cardio workout music.
The campus programs are predominantly patronized by ladies but a few campuses like the University of Notre Dame has had
boxing as part of the campus physical education activities since 1923. Notre Dame have a spring time tournament called the
Bengal Bouts, in which the male students partake in an intramural boxing tournament. The tournament has been televised at
least once by American Broadcast Company (ABC) Wide World of Sports and the oldest of its kind in the nation.
For the boxing and kickboxing professional, the college campus is another area to expand your business. Colleges are usually
looking for new physical education or fitness programs in September, January and June. You can call or mail in a proposal
prior to those months to the colleges in your area.
When proposing a fitness program make sure it is creative and unique. You can propose a traditional boxing program but
also create a non-traditional boxing program with cardio movements, blending Pilates or Yoga in the program along with the
usual calisthenics and stretching exercises.
In most cases, the university will pick up the tab for the equipment. Here are a few colleges with boxing as part of their
Notre Dame University
University of Michigan
US Naval Academy
West Point Academy
The following colleges have boxing and kickboxing as a fitness activity for students and public.
Trinity College of Washington, DC
Community College of Baltimore
University of Texas-El Paso
Test the waters and send out your proposals. Send them to colleges, universities, junior colleges and community colleges.
In most cases, you will find your proposal to be welcomed!