On April 2, 2007, I published the article, "The Rise of World Pro Fight Leagues". Mr Andrew Neitlich contacted
me to inform of his new national team fight league. Mr Neitlich is president and CEO of The World Team Fight League.
This league will be unique in that it welcomes team fighting by boxers and martial artist.
The league will be national and international. Read his exciting address to The Business of Boxing Community!
Recently you described business models for three exciting team fighting concepts.
I would like to introduce a fourth model that has only just been launched and that has an innovative approach to creating
a nationwide fight league. The company is WTFA, Inc. based in Sarasota Florida. We have created a franchise team model for
a fight league that is modeled after the highly successful National Football League. To the best of our knowledge, no other
fighting league is taking this approach.
Our model includes the following characteristics:
Teams are independently owned and run locally by team owners. This contrasts to most fight league formats, where the league
sets up and owns all teams. Working together, local team owners from around the nation can create something special that can
compete on a national and international scale. At the same time, for a relatively small investment, team owners can create
a valuable franchise. To give one example, Arena Football teams started out costing only hundreds of thousands of dollars
(or less). Now, after purchase by the NFL, they sell for $20 million apiece.
Different teams will compete during a league schedule, followed by playoffs and all-star events. This contrasts to the
tournament-style format of many fight leagues.
The central league office provides support to team owners including: setting up the league schedule, developing template
marketing materials, providing support in recruiting fighters, developing fighter contracts, providing support in staging
and promoting events, and pursuing television and merchandising/licensing deals.
Revenues from television and licensing are shared between the central league office and teams.
Team Owners meet frequently to discuss formatting and improvements to the league.
Team Owners have the rights to start up any number of fighting leagues and events including: mixed martial arts (our lead
off format), combat style (like the WCL), amateur, pro, grappling, boxing, etc. The central office coordinates scheduling.
Our Mixed Martial Arts format has some special features that will help to eliminate the down time on the ground that can
sometimes make MMA fights feel slow.
Currently we are registering the detailed franchise/FTC legal documents needed to make this kind of offering to prospective
team owners. We are also recruiting fighters for teams, including the West Coast of Florida, East Coast of Florida, New York,
and Arizona. Our first team event is scheduled for the summer of 2007 in Sarasota Fl.
Prospective Team Owners need a net worth that demonstrates the capability to make a long-term commitment to the league,
and a track record of demonstrated leadership and integrity.
For more information, visit www.worldteamfighting.com or call General Manager Andrew Neitlich at 941-539-9623.
Quentin "Rampage" Jackson vs Matt "The Law" Lindmann