As the title of this article says, online training is a great way to expand your club. As a club or school owner putting
your club online will expose your school and training well beyond the borders of your metropolitan area, but to the world.
Just about everyone in the pugilistic arts have a website to expose their club or school to the worldwide public but martial
arts schools are beginning to take their disciplines beyond the confines of their schools in their training. Fitness gyms
are following them with their versions of online training also. Boxing and wrestling has no online training on the web.
The boxing and wresting websites are full of news, personalities, advertising, statistics, gossip, links and schedules.
They are not set up for training. These clubs are making a mistake not to take advantage of this format. Online training could
add another 10% or more to your bottom line, if you take advantage of all the free marketing information online on how to
reach the public.
When I surveyed Washington, DC area boxing and wrestling clubs why they do not have training online? I receive answers
such as; I never thought about it. Boxing does not have enough techniques to be online. People have to be in a club to learn,
only a good teacher can demonstrate the finer points. Wrestling has to be taught in person, so the student can feel the grips
and technique.
Well, the reasons except for the first one may be valid but all the disciplines over the years has done a fine job teaching
in books and the authors made money. I find that teaching is just as good online.
There are many ways your organization can teach online. If you do not have the money to build an expensive website with
all the bells and whistles, then there is email. You can send lessons to your client, one or two lessons at a time. Or you
can set up a free page like the porno guys and give a few lessons away until your local public takes the bait, then they will
start running into your club or join your online pay website.
The websites online are free and pay. They range from teaching in all text, text and pictures; text, pictures and gifs
and a few use media such as Real Networks.
The martial arts and fitness clubs are just beginning to scratch the surface on teaching online. I have sat in boxing and
wrestling schools and their is a lot of information that can be taught online. Everything from technique to strategy to nutrition.
Your online school will go as far as your imagination and creativity.
If your boxing, wrestling or martial arts school does not teach online. You are losing a chance to pick up additional earnings.
Try it! The web's potential is unlimited and you are sure to pick up clients.
This is a example of a free site that I had found interesting. This site teaches Judo.
I have a fitness site:
If you are trying to teach a discipline and you do not have the money to start a club, school or gym, teaching online is
a great way to start. It can be inexpensive too.
Good Luck to your Online Venture!
Click links below for information on how to start or expand a business online!