A promotional tool that seems to always work to bring in new members to your club, school or gym is the TV Fight Night
The TV Fight Night Party can be a free event or an event with a very small entrance fee. Instead of your members and potential
members staying home to watch the big super fight on television or at a sports bar and pay $50.00 or more for the night. They
can watch the fight at your club.
You can prepare refreshments, dinner and snacks. Some clubs have a little entertainment before the preliminary fights start,
for example an exhibition boxing or martial arts match between children, live entertainment such as a singer or a ring girl
contest. You can fill the night with various gambling games, raffles and drawings during the slow parts of the night to keep
things lively.
Remember; throughout the night give away prizes, especially the type of prizes that are related to what your club has to
offer, so the potential members can think about joining your club.
This fight night does not have to be held for only the big boxing matches. It can also be held for the major mixed martial
arts tournaments, NCAA Wrestling Tournament, K1 Championships and more. Depending on what you club has to offer.
Announce any up coming events offered by your club and pass around flyers to the audience pertaining to the event. Get
all the visitors names, addresses, email and telephone numbers, so you can talk to them about joining your business. If you
send out mailings, be sure to put them on you newsletter lists.
Give everyone free invitations to your club to come in and have free lessons from a few days to a week, so they can get
a taste of the training that is offered there.
Before the fight party, send flyers around the area surrounding your club. Circulate the information to residences, schools
and businesses. You will find that news about your business and your bottom line will grow. Make the super fight night party
a regular tool as these big fights come up.
Good Luck.