In the world of pugilistic sports everyone loves a winner.
Losers are an afterthought.
Those who have mediocre to bad losing records, have to cope with the fact that their hearts are never out of the game.
Sometimes the game is like a drug that consumes them. They continually searching for the golden rewards at the end of a long
If you are losing and cannot stay away from your sport, but everyone wants you to walk away before you get hurt. Just remember
you can turn things around despite what people say and think. But first, the change has to start with you. You have to search
your heart for strength. Second, you must remain calm while there is conflict about. You will have to look at certain things
in your training life, promotion and management that may be causing you to lose.
Let’s check into some factors and analyze them. After you read over these questions, you can begin to turn your situation
Do you love to fight?
Do you love to train?
Do you feel overmatched each time you step into a contest?
Do you believe in your trainer? Do you think he can take you to the championship?
Do you feel that your are being mismanaged? Do you think management is not working in your best interest? Are they just
making money off you?
Are you hungry? Would you like to win more than anything?
Do you have the attitude that you can beat anyone?
Lets look at these questions!
Do you love to fight? Look at yourself. What are you fighting for? Is it natural for you to size up people? Will
you put up your guard with anyone? If you don’t feel motivated to fight anyone. If you are sitting in front of the television
watching two people bash each other’s skulls in and you do not get a thrill from it; then you may not be fight material.
Fighters have that innate urge to battle, if its for fun or business. Fighting seems to be as part of them as breathing.
Do you love to train? If you get up in the morning and say to yourself. “Damn, I got to go to training today!”
Then this is the first clue that you may join the ranks of the mediocre. Winners love training. It’s their job and it
is understood that they will not get better at their sport without training. If you grown and moan up to 20% of the time and
you are no where near your training facility. Then you will not be a winner.
Do you feel overmatched each time you step into a contest? If you love fighting and each fight you lose by a large
margin, get knocked out, pinned or have to submit. Then it may not be your entire fault. You may have to step down in competition
a peg or two until you can face advanced competition. Your trainers and managers will have to sit down with you and look at
film or just discuss if you are ready for the type of competitor you have previously faced. Once you improve your skill level,
then you can face advanced fighters. If they are not concerned about your progress, then it is time for new management.
Do your believe in you trainer? Do you believe he can take you to the championship? Don’t train with anyone.
If he can’t answer your questions and give the old, “Do as I say!” routine, then its time for a new trainer.
You have to be in synch with your trainer. You have to understand what you are doing or you are in for a loss. If he is quiet
when you are fighting and he does not have the eye and the communication skills to help you adjust to an opponent when you
are losing, then its time to move on. Good trainers can help you in your most critical time of need.
Are you being mismanaged? Do you think management is not working in your best interest? Do you feel they are just making
money off you? If so, then you are probably right. If they do not have a plan for your future or enough time for your
concerns, then its time to go out and hire a group that will make you a winner as well as help you build your life.
Are you hungry? Would you like to win more than anything? If you love to train and you receive the title, “Sir
Gym Rat“. Then winning is likely in your blood. If you have the attitude that sparring and fights are “...just
a thing. Nuttin’ but a chicken wing.”(Translation-Its easy!) ...As the old Hip-Hop philosophy goes. Then winning
is in your future. If you arrive at the gym early and always leave late. Then you will become a winner. If you are the opposite,
there is always the exciting, yet rewarding career as a spectator!
Do you have the attitude that you can beat anyone? If you do and you passed the previous six questions. You will
be a winner.
But think about these questions. Adjust or quit. Fighting is not for everyone. Just because you have a string of losses
now, does not mean you cannot turn things around later. Thinking about the previous questions can help you look inside yourself
and evaluate your future. Hopefully winning will be part of it.